Good health is true wealth; your savings can take care of your medical needs. The Y-Save Medical Account takes care of medical emergencies.
The medical account was designed to address those moments when a medical emergency catches you financially off guard with no quick source of income.
This account is specially designed for members who do not have medical insurance cover for themselves or their loved ones for example elderly parents or relatives under your care. This account enables you to save ahead to accommodate medical emergencies that usually arise.
A member’s access to their medical saving is granted with proof of a Medical bill, prescription or receipt issued by a Medical institution.
The Y-Save Medical Account attracts an interest of 8% PA compounding itself.
The Benefits Include:
- The Medical Account caters for the member’s medical emergencies
- This account covers members without medical insurance or their loved ones
- The member’s savings grow with an interest of 8% PA.
- There are Unrestricted free deposits