Business Account
The account enables the member to save up for staff salaries, taxes, and routine expenses like rent, utilities, and more.
Y-Save Business Account is an account designed to meet the needs of members in Business. The account enables the member to save up for staff salaries, taxes, and routine expenses like rent, utilities, and more. The member is also able to save earnings for future business use and can quickly and easily access money from their Business Savings Account when they need to. The Account will be earning an interest of 4.0% PA.
- The Business Account will help business owners to plan and prepare for unexpected events which present unanticipated costs that may be inevitable. A business savings account will give the member an extra cushion to deal with the out-of-the-blue expenses.
- The Business Account will help members save up for their tax payments. Since this has been a big challenge for the members with small business owners.
- The Business Account will help members to cater for their monthly operational expenses. Like Rent, salary for staff, utilities, and admin expenses.
- The Business Account earns an interest which is an extra income that will support the running of the business.
- The Member should have a registered Business/ Business name.
- The Member should have opened a Company Account with Y-Save
- The Member will be required to fill in a Business Account Opening Form